Właśnie teraz, pod koniec roku, została opublikowana książka pt." Himanistic Tourism: Values, Norms and Dignity", której współautorką jest dr Sabina Owsianowska z artykułem pt. "Tourism Education from a Humanistic Perspective: Anthropological Inspirations".


... This edited book is one of the first attempts to apply to tourism a humanistic management approach entailing a re-discovery of the value of human life, dignity, and awareness of the ethical dimensions of work. The book develops awareness of the contemporary relevance of the human dignity concept to interpret and manage the weaknesses of traditional approaches to tourism and cope with the challenges and new scenarios, including the current COVID-19 pandemic crisis...

...Presenting both a critical and a positive approach to tourism management, the diversity of disciplinary approaches, case studies, and examples makes the book attractive to a variety of readers including tourism scholars, researchers, practitioners, and postgraduate students of management and organization disciplines...


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