Turystykę można realizować w każdym momencie i na wiele sposobów. Przykładem tego jest Arthur Malé z Francji, z uniwersytetu École normale supérieure de Rennes w Bretanii, który podczas swojego studenckiego stażu, realizowanego po opieką prof. dr hab. Ewy Roszkowskiej, odkrywał piękno naszego kraju.

> A few words about my internship

Hi everyone!                                                                

My name is Arthur and I am a French intern at AWF University for several months as part of my master's degree.

Summarizing such a rich experience in a few lines will be impossible for me, I will just go to the essential: Poland is a really fabulous country. From mountainous landscapes to lively cities, from Silesia to Mazuria, the country offers a beautiful diversity of landscapes for a great cultural experience. And the university and its professors are really welcoming: I was able to conduct a study on the history of Polish mountaineering by interviewing the himalayists of the 1980’s thanks to my tutor Mrs. Roszkowska whom I thank in passing as well as the whole team of the alpinism and outdoor sports department. This internship has been for me a pleasant cocktail between the discovery of a culture and its inhabitants, and an academic work that I hope will open the way to future collaborations.

Thank you for everything. Cheers.                                     


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