MA, Tourism Studies, University School of Physical Education in Cracow, 2001
Doctoral studies 2001-2005, Institute of Humanities, University School of Physical Education in Cracow, PhD 2005 
2006 – present – lecturer at the University School of Physical Education in Cracow, Faculty of Tourism and Recreation (lectures, classes and seminars for Polish and foreign students within LLP-Erasmus programme; 2008 - visiting professor at University of Primorska, College of Tourism, Slovenia)
2006 – present – assistant editor of „Folia Turistica”, a scientific journal published by the University School of Physical Education in Cracow
Research interests:  the theory of tourism and recreation; socio-cultural aspects of leisure-time activities; the body and the embodiment of experiences in tourism and leisure; gender issues in leisure and tourism; media and tourism; semiotics of tourism; cultural (heritage and arts) tourism. 

Address correspondence:
Al. Jana Pawła II 78
31-571 Krakow, Poland
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Chosen publications
The author of  9 book chapters, along with a number of refereed journal articles and conference proceedings, i.e.:
Cutting Edge in Tourism Research: New Directions, Challenges and Applications, The School of Management, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK, 2006 – paper: “Changing World, The Heritage Tourism and Identity. Poland, Slovakia and Ukraine”.
The philosophical and cultural aspects of corporeality, The University School of Physical Education in Wroclaw, Poland, 2010 – paper: “The embodiment of tourist experience” [in Polish].

Chapters in books [in Polish]:
“Leisure, recreation and gender” in: R. Winiarski, ed. Recreation and leisure. Humanistic Studies, WAiP Warszawa 2011, pp.  [in press]
“Multiculturalism and the tourist promotion of a place” in: E. Puchnarewicz, ed. Multiculturalism in tourism, WSTiJO Warszawa 2010, pp. 33-45.
“Visiting the World as a Museum. On civilizing rituals and the role of works of art in the tourist experience” in: P. Krasny and D. Ziarkowski, eds. Art and traveling. Proksenia, Krakow 2009, pp. 27-39.
“Semiotics of Tourism” in: R. Winiarski, ed. Tourism in Human Sciences, WN PWN Warszawa 2008, pp. 117-139.
“Values in the tourist offer of chosen European countries (on the example of tourist guidebooks), “Zeszyty Naukowe nr 92. Skróty prac doktorskich”, AWF Krakow 2008, pp. 52-101
“Tourism and phenomenon of an encounter. Values, threats, illusions”, in: M. Kazimierczak, ed. Tourism and traveling in an axiological perspective. AWF Poznan 2007, pp. 60-68.
“Tourism as a socio-cultural phenomenon” in: Z. Dziubinski, ed. The axiology of Tourism, Salos RP Warszawa 2006, pp. 392-400.
„From the efficient promotion to the visited world creation. The role of tourism media” in: W. Alejziak, R. Winiarski, eds. Tourism in Scientific Research in Poland and Worldwide, WSiZ Rzeszow and AWF Krakow 2005, pp. 377-393.
„Travels to values. On axiological perspective of tourism”, in: M. Kazimierczak, ed. Tourism in a humanistic view, AWF Poznan 2004, pp. 25-37.
In preparation: “Media and tourism” [co-author of the book: W. Biernacki]


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